US Weather Radar, Weather and Precipitation Forecast, Graphs, Alerts, much more.
US Weather Radar provides most comprehensive information about the present and future weather conditions via Radar overlays and animation, detailed 8 day and 48h weather forecast, charts, precipitation forecast, alerts, meteograms, cloud overlay, traffic, KML overlay support for additional information and much more.
Please note: this app consumes data to load weather and nexrad information.
Further overlays include
★ Animated radar images
★ 1 hour precipitation
★ 24 hour precipitation
★ 1 day precipitation forecast
★ 1 hour minutely precipitation forecast and 48h details
★ Hurricanes
★ Wind barbs
★ Clouds
★ Warnings
Additional features:
★ 8 day forecast
★ Weather charts
★ Precipitation alarm
★ Temperature profile overlay
★ Show local Tweets related to the weather
★ 48h forecast icons with many detailed information
★ Alerts
★ Reads forecast, alerts, ... via text-to-speech on certain devices
★ Lightnings overlay
★ Vertical Radar Cross section
★ Storm Reports
★ Weather location history
For daily forecast information hover over the weather icons. To get a forecast for a location on the map just click on the location on the map.
Configuration and more features like meteograms are available from the menu in the lower left.
You can also control US Weather Radar with keys:
" ": start/stop radar animation
"v": show video forecast
"c": show webcams
"m"; show meteogram
"z": enter new zipcode for weather forecast
"!": show configuration
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On our website, you can easily download the latest version of US Weather Radar! No registration and SMS required!